Zameel Pichen

(Profile dated April, 2018. Much achieved Since!)


Projects Showcase

Live Streaming System

Mass (supporting 10,000 and counting instances) live streaming and broadcasting application using RTMP, which I implemented at Server Level (CentOS) and well as Client Side (Android).

A Story Got Me Thinking

An android app created by working a continuous sleepless 24hrs only to showcase it here. Google Play Store Link.

PLX Pet's Corner

Another attempt at creating a portfolio hobby product amidst busy days to fill space here. Google Play Store Link.

Animal Jigsaw

Not really a work to be put on portfolio. This is the worst I can do from the point of view of an expert developer. (But if I get time to update it, things will change). Google Play Store Link.

Undisclosable Works

Unfortunetly I cannot display some more of my works due to NDAs. These hidden works include android 2D games, in-company web apps, and different outsourced tasks to large ongoing projects utilizing a wide array of resources starting from AWS to Firebase.

Your Project

This is the place for your project. You are welcome to hire me (hopefully without any strict NDA, but NDA is also ok), or get a quick technical consultation for your new company or startup. Here is my generalised pricing if you want to hire me. Also, you can reach me at : | | | .

Programming Experiences

Java, Kotlin, Android SDK


Dagger2, RxJava2, Android NDK, etc

Enough to develop an MVP based android app. And experienced with NDK enough to control hardware by hardcoding.

Swift, iOS SDK

The basics needed in general scenarios.

AWS SDK, Firebase SDK

Experienced with all tools of Firebase, and commonly used ones of AWS.

C++, OpenGL 3.x

Experienced only with what is needed to create a 2D game with cool graphics by raw coding shaders and objects.

Lua, Moai SDK, Cocos2d SDK, Unity, Godot Engine

(Self) Crash Coursed all of them.

Html, Css, Js, Bootstrap, JQuery, etc


Php, Laravel

A few hobby projects.


The basics.


Crash coursed while trying to repair the WhatsApp-Telegram-Bridge. Its Here.

Essential Kernel and Shell Scripting

Learned while digging the ReactOS Project. Check it Out.

And More

That aren't worth enough to be mentioned here.



Ubiquitous Computing

Simply said, putting computers everywhere. Know more here.

Quantum Computing

Fellow researcher with IBM Q Experience (A 6 qubit Quantum Computer). This is how I plan to implement Ubiquitous Computing (theoritically atleast) in the coming future. Here's a github repo of a collection of misdirection-free (not 100%, but this is enough for beginners) materials on Quantum Computing.


Business Strategy

The greatest takeovers, market disruptions, are all like that of a great chess game except that I will make sure to not take people as pieces.

Market Statistics

Important for having better accuracy in entrepreneurial decision making.


My blog from two years back with a few philosophical ideas about life and perspectives of teenagers and adults.


Leo Tolstoy works have a life of its own. Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" is in kind of a symphony with me.


Socialogy of different eras, and its impact on modern soceity.


Doodling, Cartooning, and Picasso works



Micheal Jordan's games put the thrill of basketball in me.


Bobby Fischer matches and what Garry Kasparov said after he lost a match with Deep Blue, "Deep Blue was intelligent the way your programmable $10 alarm clock is intelligent" pulled me here.